Ayurveda is a system of Medicine with historical roots in Indian sub continent.
Therapies in Ayurveda have been incorporated in general Wellness application It is based on the concept that health and wellness depend on a delicate balance of mind , body and spirit…..
Range on offer include the following:
- Mahanarayana Thailam
- Dhanwanthram Thailam
- Karpooraadi Thailam
- Kottamchukkaadi Thailam
- Murivenna
- Neelibhrungaadi Thailam
- Karpasasthyadi Thailam
- Ksheerabala Thailam
- Sahacharadhi Thailam
- Balaagulachyadhi Thailam
- Kolakulatthaadi Choornam
- Thriphala Choornam